Hans Feil is invited to speak at this international online congress.
Hans will speak about the development of full-color outdoor displays and why this will be a real gamechanger. The first black and white electro Wetting Display has been tested in the field and has proven to match the high requirements of the customer. Now it is time to go on with full-color displays.
We have proven that reflective full-color displays can be very bright. Together with their energy efficiency, electricity cables or, changing batteries is no longer necessary, Electro Wetting Displays are a full alternative for LED displays.
Click here, for the full program of the online conference.
The first full-color Electro Wetting display panel is a fact Dedication, endurance and expertise in Electro Wetting. Those are the….
Etulipa at the World Expo 2021 Dubai – UN World Cities Day Etulipa participates in the trade mission organized by….
For the first time, Etulipa’s Electro Wetting Displays are being used in a solar-powered Real-Time-Passenger-Information sign in New York.
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